Allan Karr
Allan Karr is a full-time Professor of Leadership Formation at Gateway Seminary. He is pastor of Ethne Church Network, a network of churches that plants churches in America and globally. He is also a community developer and social entrepreneur, and earned his Ph.D. in Humanities from Florida State University. For the past twenty years Allan and his family have been designing and experimenting with new concepts of community and training others to do so; the last twenty years as a professor and a mentor. Allan is the founder and chairman of Ethne Global Services, a non-profit organization that assists refugees in the United States and displaced and at risk people in several international venues. Allan is passionate about his family, international travel, construction projects, and community transformation by helping refugees and people at risk. He lives in the mountain foothills outside of Larkspur, Colorado with his wife, Kathy, and a refugee “daughter” going to school. Allan has seven grown children, four by birth and three who were former refugees from Burma, and many others who regularly visit and consider themselves family. They use their home as an informal community transformational training center.

Eric Gibbs
Dr. Eric and Brittany Gibbs serve as church planters and ministry coordinators on the Tohono O’Odham Nation in Southern Arizona. Through their work, they seek to empower the Native people that they serve to grow and thrive in all aspects of life. Their work with Native people has also placed them near one of the fastest growing refugee populations in America: Phoenix, AZ. The extensive refugee population in Phoenix has become a significant part of the Gibbs’ life. They work especially close with the African refugee populations, primarily Congolese. Their work with the refugee community has allowed them to travel to Africa several times to serve both in DR Congo and Malawi. Their family also reflects their passion for working cross-culturally with children from a variety of backgrounds. Eric and Brittany currently have nine children in their home and a number of other children who consider them mom and dad.
Eric graduated from Mid-Continent University with a Bachelor’s degree in Church Leadership and Development, Golden Gate Seminary with a Master’s of Missiology, and Gateway Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry.

Henry Luckel
Henry Luckel is a bi-vocational minister, working with Standing Stone Ministry supporting pastors and their families. Henry is a former vice president and president of the Bi-vocational and Small Church Leadership Network and currently serves as a director and regional consultant for that organization. Henry also serves an adjunct professor at Union College and Colorado Christian University. He graduated from Colorado Christian University with a B.S. in Organizational Management then from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity, and earned a PhD from Colorado State. Henry is passionate about his faith and loves to help people. He and his wife Susan live in Colorado Springs.

Kenny Moore
Kenny Moore has been a church planting/gospel saturation missionary for thirty-four years. For twenty years prior to that he was an independent lumberman and rancher. His church planting experience includes: Minister of Missions at an inner-city church in Dallas; catalytic church planting missionary with the Denver Baptist Association; State Director of Missions for Colorado Baptists and Minister of Missions with Ethne Church Network working with church planters, ex-offenders and refugees. All of his mission work centers around encouraging missionaries in their union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Kenny has been married to Ivanne for fifty-eight years and they have three children and three wonderful grandchildren.

James Park
I have been in youth ministry for 11 years, and went on annual short term mission trips to Mexico and South East Asia to work with youth. I'm now a counselor for at risk youth at a boarding school/rehabilitation center. I'm married to the love of my life Mary Park, and blessed with the most amazing son, Eli Park. I've been a Board member with Ethne Global Services since it's inception.

Victor Turpaud
In 2018, after 34 years in the business world, Victor quit a successful career with a large corporation, and together with his wife, Kim, decided to pursue missions. He has a passion for connecting and motivating young people in the US and globally to pursue missions. He has pursued training with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) and is currently attending the School of Biblical Studies with YWAM Montana. Victor and Kim are in the process of transitioning from Colorado to living full time out of camper van. They desire to see God use them to teach young people, laborers and missionaries how to inductively study the Scripture and set up training centers in countries around the world.
They have three grown children and their spouses, and three awesome grandchildren.